Saturday, August 31, 2019

Examination of A Performance I Was In

This term we have been working on a devised performance dealing with the theme of consequences and looking at lots the themes and issues. We have chosen the title to be ‘Consequences'. We came up with this title after the whole group had decided on what the theme would be, then once we new what the theme would be, we thought of ideas of what the title could be, and we chose ‘Consequences'. Overall the play ‘Consequences' took 4-5 weeks to put together and perform. I thought it was a worthwhile experience because this is the first time I had worked in this group as a whole class. The performance we done, took place in the main school hall because we needed the space for our traverse stage to be held in. We had the stage setting, with the audience split in half, and the performance space was in the middle so that we could be seen at all angles. To begin the topic our teacher put us into groups and then we had to think of ideas of what our play could be about. We all wrote down ideas, then read them out, and then we decided as a group to choose the best idea. The age group we wanted to aim it at is our own year 10. We chose this age group because they can relate to the issues that are being performed. They would understand about our play because they are the age we are aiming at, and could relate to what the play was. After we decided on the theme of the play we then improvised of how to get ideas and put them together, then we discussed how to script it and the structure of the play. In one drama lesson we started working on the first family scene where we were at the table scene were me and my group had to work on the family which was based on poverty. We rehearsed this so many times because we had to make this a sad family as they don't have that much money, but is was a good scene because we could make it funny as well. I played the character of a gay man, with my partner we adopted kids and we had hardly any money. My partner and I were always arguing, while the kids were around. But with my character I felt that I had to play him as a serious but emotional man, with a hard life, so to do this I had to change his tone of voice, and my body language and gesture. One moment in the scene we did was when we were sitting at the dinner table and my partner was setting there with me, and the whole family was in a bad mood, so then me and my partner started to fight, so then the kids started to fight as well, and I had to stop them. Then we all stopped and sat and at e our breakfast. While we were eating I started to tell a story about how I saw two girls stealing from the chemist. I was telling them that I hoped for them to never to do the same. But later in the play they do. We did this because we wanted to set up the next scene for us to show that are kids are so poor they are pulled into stealing. I personally feel that this scene was quite successful because we all stayed concentrated in the important time in the scene. I thought we improved the scene by keeping loud so all the audience could hear us. This made the scene more effective because it keeps up the atmosphere, and the tension of all the acting parts. One scene that was non-naturalistic was the opening scene to the play. In the opening scene we used the drama technique slow motion to a piece of music. We also used frozen images to the piece of music. The music we used was a soundtrack by ‘DMX' called ‘Slipping' the song represented everyone's downfall in the play. It complemented the action that was taking place. The stylised movement we also used was sound collage, we used the sound collage to build a atmosphere for the opening scene, by doing this we showed the audience what the play was about by revealing all the issues and gave an insight into the situation the character was in. We also used a technique called duologue so that the angel and the devil characters commented on the action. W began devising this scene by us all trying to think of strong images that could show how our family's lifestyle and the difficulties they had. The moment that was the hardest to rehearse was when we were doing the links in between each family. I thought that the audience who were watching would react to this scene by thinking that they are going to see all different consequences that happen to people when they do things. I feel that this scene did work to its full potential because when the music played, it built an atmosphere on which the audience can see, and as all the frozen images from all the families, I thought were very powerful. I feel that it worked and conveyed the desired message of community what the play was about. Overall I feel the best moment in the play was the end, because after the audience had seen all the consequences that each family had done. The ending of our play was were each main character said a few lines about what happened after all of what had been done. Some said about they wish they had never done so many things, or looked after their children better, or wished they had never put a pill in the girls drink, they were all guilty of their consequences. Each individual was to blame for his or her own downfall. As we performed this scene to the audience the characters that were being played made mistakes, but as they said their lines they knew they had done something wrong and they cant change that now, and live with it. I feel that the message we were trying to convey to the audience was ‘to think about the consequences of your action'. One moment that stood out the most and I feel conveyed the message was the end, when the audience saw the characters were saying all the things that they could of done but didn't. I feel that the message was getting across to the audience wasn't as successful because all of the audience could have been confused. I feel that it could of have been more successful if we chose an outside audience, not friends. On the scenes that we could have been improved was the scene on were we linked up to our other groups together. I felt that it would have been better if we also had more time on to set the play, and if the cast was there every day, so then we could rehearse and get every thing perfect. I feel that the work that I have been doing in my lessons this term has been quite successful because it has brought the group closer to work with each other, and it is good experience for the future. I feel that the whole experience of devising the play has been very enjoyable. I feel that it was enjoyable because this is what I like in drama GCSE. I feel as a performer I gained experience in a way that it makes me feel easier now to act in front of my friends, and now I am fully concentrated and confident in performing in front of an audience. I have learnt that for my performance next year I will be able to cope with the tension and hard work. Overall it has been a productive piece of work on what we done this term, which has been enjoyable.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Book Summary “The Goal” Processes and Operations

Book Summary â€Å"The Goal† Processes and Operations Key Idea The main message of the book is that the proper way to manage any operation, whether it’s a manufacturing plant or a web design shop or a clothing store, is to: 1) Identify what needs to be changed. 2) Identify what it should be changed to. 3) Identify how to execute the change. Summary This story is based around the life of Alex Rogo, Plant Manager for Uniware, which is a division of Unico. After some very upsetting customer approaches Alex’s boss, Bill Peach, is given a challenge to turn the plant around in three months. More Summary of Devil at My HeelsDue to the limited amount of time available, there are not many outside tools available such as consultants, surveys, and so on. With very few hopes, Alex foresees the inevitable until he remembers his conversation with Jonah, a physicist who Alex knew from a previous job. It is not until Alex’s job is in at risk that he decides to devour into his conversation with Jonah. During the conversation, Jonah asks him several questions to analyze his company’s situation. The conversation leads ultimately to the question, â€Å"What is the goal of any business? After rethinking his conversation, Alex realizes that the goal of any business is to make money. Furthermore, if the goal is to make money any action toward this goal is considered productive and any action not moving towards the goal is nonproductive. Alex was unsure of such a simple answer and decided to contact Jonah to continue the search for more answers. Once Alex contacts Jonah th ey define the following measurements to define the success of any plant’s production: 1) Throughout = rate that the system is used to generate money through sales.This measurement would consist of what a product would be worth when sold at market value after deducting operational expense and inventory. 2) Inventory = all the money invested in purchasing items that will be sold. This could include the remains of their machines after being used toward the investment. 3) Operational expense = all the money used to turn inventory into output. This would include such items as depreciation of a machine, lubricating oil, scraps, etc. Jonah explains to Alex that a plant that is continuously productive is considered inefficient.He further explains that continuous production will result in high absenteeism, poor quality and employee turnover. Based on this, he would need to reduce operational expense and inventory to improve throughput to demonstrate a balanced line of production. Jona h leaves him to think about the understanding of two things: what are the dependent events and statistical fluctuations in his plant. During a hiking trip with Alex’s son, he produces a game for a few of the kids to demonstrate an ideal balance line of production.He does this by setting up dependents and uses a die to measure the statistical fluctuations. At the end of the game, he concluded that the bottleneck’s speed of production is what determines the speed of the other dependents. Therefore, inventory moves very slowly because of statistical fluctuations. In the end, this is where Alex began his search inside the plant. After arriving back at work, he and the crew began their search for the bottlenecks. They identify one of the robots, NCX-10, and the heat treatment area as the source of the bottlenecks.Once identified, they began their search for solving them. After following some simple steps they significantly increased production by 12% during the first two mo nths and 20% in the third month. Based on these increases, Alex saves the plant and his got promoted to Bill Peach’s position. Besides the ongoing theme of saving the plant, there is an underlying story about Alex’s personal life. In the beginning Alex’s wife, Julie, and him are constantly arguing about Alex working late in attempts of saving the plant which flows over into not spending any time with his family.Within the first 100 pages of the book, his wife leaves him, after being exhausted of all attempts to save their marriage. However, during his search for reclaiming the plant he does the same with his marriage. I think that the author is telling the audience that there must be a balance between these two lives. It is important for both to be in harmony because eventually they will flow in and out of each environment. Lessons Learned What I enjoyed the most about this book was the layout. It consisted of telling a story about Alex in a novel form, which in cluded dialog, plot, etc.By making the book in this way it broke the specifics down for a layperson, Alex. After all, Alex represents the average person – job going down the tube and marriage shortly following it. The source of the problem the whole time was following the rules that were and are continuously engraved into us each day. What I learned about this book is that you should not let your business and processes control you and lead you. Instead, you should be constantly criticizing and reviewing your processes and not settling for any bottlenecks or sticking points.Another major theme in the novel is that the point of a business is to make money, and more specifically, to make a profit. The way to do this is not to create as much as possible, but instead to run as efficiently as possible. That might require making drastic changes to common practices, things that on paper seem like they will hurt the bottom line. For example, in the book, they discover they’re r unning their manufacturing plant at 80% capacity. That means 20% of the time, they have machines and people just sitting there doing nothing. So they tell their sales manager to get them 20% more work.He says that they can only get it from a client who wants it at below cost, so they would lose money. But Alex convinces him that they only have materials as costs, as they have people doing nothing currently who are getting paid, so their time is not an additional expense. I thought this was very interesting. Application This book would be ideal for anyone interested in simplifying ways to improving any process – whether it is manufacturing or service oriented. These back to basics principles, help break down what has become â€Å"common practice†.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis of Scene 2 of Blue Remembered Hills Essay Example for Free (#2)

Analysis of Scene 2 of Blue Remembered Hills Essay In scene 2, the audience can see a slight change of pace. This is shown through the lack of physical violence in this scene in comparison to the previous scene 1. The pace starts off as fidgety as the two seven year old boys-Peter and Willie- can barely keep still but the pace hardly reaches any faster than this through the rest of the scene. The point in which they are both laughing and giggling uncontrollably is the only real point where the pace picks up a bit. This is when the boys are both laughing about Wallace peeing on a gorse bush due to the fact that he thought it â€Å"was on fire†. The subject of Wallace visibly fastens the pace, as is evidence in many other scenes. I think the slow pace of this scene shows the actual weakness of these two boys as their dilemmas and problems at their age are partially revealed through their banter and conversation. The seemingly raw subject of Donald and the beatings he receives at home seem to strike a misunderstood chord with the two boys but they shrug off the confusion and potential sadness and envelope themselves into another situation. This awkwardness is shown in the stage directions alone as â€Å"they fall silent† and the â€Å"tension that they do not understand† is quickly broken by more childishness, and they quickly run themselves into another less sensitive subject. The moments where there is quite a fast pace in this scene is only created by the characters purposely after they are bored and have nothing else to do or interesting to say. The subject of Donald is quickly followed by a purpose running about and â€Å"swooping† around by the two boys to bring up the energy levels. The back and forth conversation about the Dandy and Beano gets quite tedious for Peter and he quickly is distracted by something else more active and exciting. The characters in this scene are still both Willie and Peter and the relationship between the boys familiarly stays the same. In the previous scene, the audience saw that Peter was dominant in the relationship and frequently craved control of it and of Willie, often with physical violence but in this scene, he no longer results to this and uses his words more to cajole Willie into telling him where the jam jars are. Willie also still seems to have the upper hand in the argument though as he knows all the information Peter wants to get. Because of this, Peter has to still be moderately controlled in how he acts towards Willie to get the location of the jam jars out of him. This unexpected control Willie has is evident as when Peter once again threatens Willie with physical violence-his fist- he sees that this may completely blow his chance of getting any information so he rethinks and offers him his Dandy. Willie is now in control as he shows to Peter that he doesn’t care and that he could buy his own comic. This under-valued control that Willie has is still present in scene 2 and similarly continues on in the play. Concluding, there is small change of pace and characters in Scene 2 but not on a large scale. The pace is slowed down visibly from Scene 1 as there is not as much playing about and fighting between the two characters. Apart from the stage directions in Scene 1 where it clearly stated if they were moving and what actions they were doing if they were talking, this was no stated in Scene 2, therefore, I have no choice but to assume most if their conversation was given mostly in stationary mode. There was no real change in characters in Scene 2 other than the fact that In scene 1, Peter was triumphant in his method of physical beating to get Willie to give him the apple and in scene 2, Willie was triumphant in his knowledge of information to keep a secret the information about the jam jars but that was only really successful because of the distraction of the squirrel. Analysis of Scene 2 of Blue Remembered Hills. (2017, Oct 05).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Critique of Professional Article - Education Essay

Critique of Professional Article - Education - Essay Example each students is different from the other. These differences should be studied and then they must be taught accordingly. If this is not taken into account it can create bias in the classroom. So it is imperative to interact with each student in the class to have a positive environment and all students should be given same care and respect then only the environment of a classroom can be respectful and in accordance with the principles. This interaction among teachers and students will not only facilitate the classrooms climate but this will also help in learning by sharing each other’s ideas and perceptions and will also help in development of student. 1.3 Environment of Learning and Excellence It is also important to identify that a classroom environment provides learning to the student and to do so it essential that teachers should communicate with the students the benefits of learning, making them understand what kind of work the educational institutions are expecting from t hem. So that students can become familiar of the learning procedures and will do all work in accordance to the set principles. It is necessary to communicate what teachers expects from the students because it helps them to know that educational institutions have high expectations from them in relation to institutions goals, activities, assessment procedures and related forms off classroom environment for the benefit of students learning. 1.4 Classroom procedures Procedures of classroom play a significant role in managing its environment. If procedures are not managed or followed accordingly then it can create hurdle in having a positive environment in class. Procedures or routine in class also affects learning of students. Therefore, teachers should create such routines in class which helps in organizing the learning of students and should follow these routines strictly and promptly. In order to facilitate efficiency and cooperation among students, they should be made to work in gro ups rather than on individual basis. Learning will be more beneficial if it is done in groups rather than on individual basis. In order to have effective classroom functions in relation to its procedures and routine time management is very important. Teachers should manage the class timings and all the activities accordingly in a way that it should be assistance in students learning. If there would be lack in time management, then things will not happen in accordance with the set procedures and routines and will affect the environment of class. Therefore all things should be managed in classroom according to the time and procedures as scheduled. 1.5 Students Behavior Classroom environment is positive only if students behave nicely in class. If the behavior of students is bad in class it may create disturbance in the daily activities. Teachers should use systematic techniques in order to manage student’s behavior in class. They should set behavior standards in the institutions and should communicate with the students their expectations in relations to student behavior i.e. making them clear about the difference in good and bad behavior. Students should be punished on misbehavior so that they are not inclined with same action again. Strict policies and regulation should be established and managed in classrooms in order to control student’s behavior. These policies should be revised on continuous

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Politics of Professional Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Politics of Professional Practice - Essay Example Moreover, the consequences of their usage in the provision of healthcare to various stakeholders involved in the provision of healthcare have not been adequately explained. This paper will attempt to come up with clear explanations of the usage of support workers in order to foster the understanding of the impacts of their usage in the provision of healthcare to the patients. The paper will explicitly explain the roles of the support workers, as well as the risks posed by the use of the support workers mainly due to their lack of training. In addition, the paper will explain the regulation that has been put in place to regulate the activities of the healthcare support workers (HSW) and any regulation that should be put in place to regulate their future activities to ensure that their usage does not compromise the quality of healthcare provided by the NHS. The impact on the other stakeholders involved in the healthcare provision will also be explained. By so doing, we hope to have a c lear understanding of the different dimensions of usage of the healthcare support workers. The paper will mainly use the articles by the NHS, RCN and other relevant bodies, as well as the recent research findings to have a more recent perspective on the development of the issue of healthcare support workers. ... 4). The support workers in nursing healthcare are of significant important especially during periods where there is a shortage of the nursing students who have graduated from the nursing schools (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Treasury Committee - 2007 p. 76). Generally, the shortage of nurses is the main reason that led to the integration of the support workers in the provision of healthcare services by the NHS. The support workers help in easing the workload on the nurses and other healthcare providers by providing the healthcare services that can easily be provided by other parties. The shortage of the nurses was mainly due to the low pay nurses receive compared to other professions (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Treasury Committee, 2007, p. 76). The support workers perform several roles in the NHS; there are support workers who are involved in the performance of non-clinical activities, whose roles include catering, maintenance, and hotel services. In addition, other support workers are involved in clinical activities; they may be involved in the provision of primary care to the patients i.e. GP surgeries, provision of care in nursing homes, patients homes and walk-in hospitals. The support workers may also be involved in the provision of secondary healthcare to the patients, mainly involving the provision of healthcare services to the patients in the hospitals (NLIAH, 2009, p. 2). However, there has been a general evolvement in the work performed by the support workers perform, which was mainly done by either the doctors or the nurses before. The work performed by the support workers can also be categorized as primary care or secondary care. Primary care involves the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Martin luther king jr Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Martin luther king jr - Research Paper Example Martin Luther King Jr. was born in January 15, 1929. His grandfather served Baptist Church in Atlanta from 1914 to 1931. After the death of his father, he served at the church as a co-pastor. At the age of 18, King became a Baptist minister. After completing his graduation in 1948 from Morehouse College, he attained his PhD degree from Boston University in systematic theology. King then served Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery as a pastor in 1954. King was also nominated as a member of the executive committee of the National Association. It was one of the major organizations who was working for the rights and advancement of Black people. One of the initial civil rights actions of Martin Luther King was when he led the Bus Boycott. A lady Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man which resulted in this Boycott. King was leading the blacks in this Boycott, which was against the segregation in buses for black and white and it lasted over a year. Martin had to pay a lot for leading this Boycott as his house was bombed and he was jailed too but his efforts worked finally. He came out of the jail and the discrimination in the buses came to an end. Martin Luther King, in 1963, also organized a March consisting off 250,000 people. The aim of the march was to protest against discrimination in schools, employments etc. During this march, he delivered a famous speech titled as "I have a Dream". This resulted in a great achievement when, in 1964, a civil rights act was passed. He also made a major contribution in writing by becoming the author of five books. For his restless contribution against African-Americans segregation, King was awarded with noble prize only at the young age of thirty. He further proved himself to be a leader devoted to his objectives when he announced to donate the prize money for civil rights movement. He was

Australia's population is ageing which will seriously affect the Essay

Australia's population is ageing which will seriously affect the future of the country. Do you agree - Essay Example The population of Australia has a very less proportion of people aged 65 years and above. Out of the total population, only 23% fall in this particular age group. Several researchers have discussed about the problems that would arise in future in Australia due to ageing population (Walker, 1998). A lot of initiatives have been adopted by the Australian government with the target of lessening the augmented healthcare costs linked with the ageing population in Australia (Walker, 1997). Thesis Statement Based on the aforesaid issue, the assignment intends to study about the growing issues of ageing population in Australia. It is often observed that this particular issue impose adverse impact upon political along with economic conditions of the nation. The paper attempted to reveal the causes and the effects of this growing issue in the country. The main objective of this assignment is to justify whether the ageing population would affect the future of the nation or not. ... The government is adopting along with executing several measures and brought about numerous changes in its tax system in order to help the Australian families. It is also looking after the improvement of the assistance provided to the families so as to balance between their responsibilities towards family and their work. The other vital cause is the long life expectancy of the people in Australia. The life expectancy in the year 1960 was 68 years but it has grown to 78 years by the year 2004 (Commonwealth of Australia, 2004). The government of Australia observed that the number of immigrants must be increased to maintain the present age structure. It has been argued that this solution might not eradicate the problem of ageing but certain benefits can be reaped from it. In this regard, one of the benefits can be regarded as declined labour supply growth (Committee for Economic Development of Australia, 2004). It has been viewed that the growing Australia’s ageing population cre ates effect on labour force partaking rate. The Australian government is facing a problem in the falling employment rate due to the growth of ageing population (Commonwealth of Australia, 2005). The country seems to face more challenges in the field of ageing as it is regarded as one of the nations having lowest population. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has estimated that by the year 2056, the median age might have a rapid increase in the nation. Thus, the ageing population has become quite a challenging factor for the nation affecting its economy at large. In response, the Australian government is adopting and executing certain effective measures to mitigate the problem or the issue. Effects of Ageing In Future The growing ageing

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 86

Summary - Essay Example Participants were sampled from three regions: Bakony, Tolna and Baranya, and the capital region and 150 participants were selected from each group and questionnaires administered. The sample was representative. The study identified ethnic identity matrix for noting varieties of german orientations, established differences between members of the ethnic group and recommends sensitivity to communication in marketing to different ethnic groups and sub groups. Care is however necessary, especially when marketing to the German minority, because of their sensitivity that establishes contingencies such as â€Å"inadvertent stereotypes, biology and genetics, and ethnocentric bias† (Sas and Kozma, 2009, p. 96). Implementing mainstream marketing with the target population identified one theical issue that is unavailability Germans’ preferred foods. The study concludes that ethical marketing is a viable strategy in Hungary (Sas and Kozma,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Writing an online news story about a speech in AP style Article

Writing an online news story about a speech in AP style - Article Example The realization however was not immediate. He did not even expect to learn it. He even had an unusual and different reason when he joined the military service. He signed up because college tuition was expensive and joining the military would help him get his degree. Wes Moore had no appetite for fighting or war even when he joined the military service. He just wanted to finish school through the help of military service. But when 9/11 came, it dramatically changed the role of military and that included Wes Moore’s role in the service. The 9/11 attack was about that unforgettable day in September 11, 2011 when terrorists simultaneously hijacked airplanes and slammed it to various structures the most famous of which was the World Trade Center that collapsed for the world to see (, nd). From schooling in UK, he rejoined the Army and was sent overseas to fight as an officer. Wes Moore did not talk in details about his tour of duty as most servicemen would indicating that he had his share of the fight. Suffice to say that he could relate with the experience of a war to speak candidly about it and to also tell what many veterans are struggling. The speech was told in a manner that the listeners could relate. In the speech, Wes Moore bared the humanity of these struggles and the brotherhood forged in combat in the name of service without the heroic or stern military faà §ade. No adventurous combat stories were told but only the sacrifices made by the men and women in uniform in the name of service. And these experiences changed them with some still haunted by it. Thus, his apologies for what they have become (such as avoiding big crowds) that most of us would find odd solicited understanding and sympathy. And Wes Moore advocated that from the understanding and appreciation of these struggles should the words â€Å"thank you for your service† be contextualized and said for

Friday, August 23, 2019

Interview with a HR Director Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interview with a HR Director - Essay Example Why I chose to interview an HR Director? People generally confuse HR Directors with HR Managers, and do not generally know the exact responsibilities of each of the two, and more precisely, the HR Director in the HR department of an organization. HR Director is also not talked about as frequently as HR Managers in the discussions of various HR professionals. I personally consulted a lot of resources to learn about the work of an HR Director. However, every time I tried, I got to listen or read about an HR Manager. Discussion about an HR Director is not as abundant as that of other HR professionals. Therefore, I considered interviewing an HR Director so that I could both enhance my personal understanding of an HR Director’s job, and share the information with others to enhance their knowledge about an HR Director. Questions of the interview: frequently used by an HR Director? ... 12. Although HR Director fundamentally assumes the role of a leader for the HR department, yet he/she also has to be a very good Manager to do the job perfectly, agree? 13. Where is the interface between leadership and management? 14. What HR roles, other than HR Director, have you played in your professional career so far? 15. How have those roles influenced your capabilities as an HR Director? 16. Is it recommendable for an individual to start directly from an HR Director’s post without a former experience in lower level HR jobs? The learning I gained: The fundamental responsibility of an HR Director is to monitor the activities of all the organization’s divisions. The HR Director communicates with the top management and devised strategies so as to enhance the organizational policies, practices and procedures as per the changing demands of the growing business and the altering business environment. An HR Director interviews employees, trains new workers, decides pay r ates for different employees, and prepares organizational benefit plans. The HR Director also balances the general ledger (Jeffress). Occasionally, an HR Director may study the system of other organizations with a view to determining the competitive salaries and wages, and developing a modified and improvised recruiting campaign for hiring talented employees for the organization. In small scale businesses, the HR Directors frequently meet with the workers to learn their individualistic and collective concerns and resolve their issues to improve their performance. On the other hand, in large scale businesses, the duties of HR are distributed between different departments in order to achieve accuracy in work and make it

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Justifying The State Essay Example for Free

Justifying The State Essay Q1 If the state is not a voluntary organisation, how can one be under any obligation to obey its commands? This is a question about justifying the state. What D. D. Raphael calls the grounds of political obligation.1 If the state can be justified somehow then so can the commands it makes, whether it is voluntary or not. This would be a state built on individual consent; obligation to the commands of the state would flow from that consent. This essay will discuss the possibility of justifying of the state through the idea of a social contract. The state when it creates a law draws a line one cannot cross without consequences. For clarity I am talking about a serious law, specifically one that obviously has a moral base, the law against murder for example. An individualist might say I have no intention of crossing that line anyway because I believe it would be morally wrong to do so. The law in his case may as well not exist. Just by not breaking a law it can appear as though he supports it. When what he might agree with is what the law defends/upholds /represents, and that is the moral principle behind it. This is one reason why some people appear to uphold the law when in fact all they may be doing is following a personal moral code. or simply agreeing with the basic rational belief shared by most people that murder is wrong or (maybe) tax for the NHS is good for example. I suggest this analogy can be applied when questioning many commands of the state. When I obey the state by paying taxes, I may not be doing so because I am obligated too by law but for other reasons including moral ones. Socialists (as do many others) might argue that they are happy to pay more tax in return for a wider societal benefit that includes all, i.e. as in the National Health Service. Therefore a socialist might argue that she paid her National Insurance not because the law obligates her too, but because it fits her moral attitudes and outlook anyway. The fact that she has no legal right to refuse to pay becomes relevant in this case only if she actually doesnt. The above argument is Lockean to the extent that it appeal[s] to the idea of individual consent.2 It is also in part my own view, which is (I think) essentially individualist in nature, though not libertarian. The relevance of my own view to this essay is that when thinking about this question, I realised that I had no idea what my own moral position was regarding some of the most crucial problems and contradictions of political philosophy. Many of these questions require (I think) a moral stance in order to be able to make sense of them. This may seem like a non-academic approach as if I am personalising or reducing this essay to subjective notions, however the questions and issues of political philosophy are in large part moral questions and issues that therefore have as a basis, personal moral opinions. Lockes view according to Wolff is that obligations to the institutions of the state must be justified in terms of the will, choices or decisions of those over whom they have authority.3 Justification of the institutions of the state that enforce obligation then is reliant on the idea that personal autonomy is of premier value. Will Kymlicka defines this as the belief that the individual is morally prior to the community. One objection to this is the communitarian argument that the individual is not morally prior to the community instead individuals are a product of the community.4 There are other objectors to Lockes idea that autonomy is the primary value. Wolff writes that Bentham considered the primary value is not autonomy but happiness whether we consent to the state is irrelevant. 5 This utilitarian argument is that the happiness of society, as a whole is of more value than personal autonomy or the happiness of the few or one. And that therefore one has a duty to obey the commands of the state as it pursues this goal. So if the state decides that having nuclear weapons is for the greater good (happiness) then I would be obligated to pay my share of tax for them whatever I thought. I may be against nuclear weapons or the military in general for moral reasons (pacifism for example) but my moral objection is sacrificed for the greater happiness. The problem political philosophers face is finding ways to solve issues like the one above. Just how does one justify the state? One theory is the idea of the social contract. Wolff here defines the project of the social contract theory. The project of showing that individuals consent to the state lies behind the idea of social contract theory. If, somehow or other, it can be shown that every individual has consented to the state, or formed a contract with the state, or made a contract with each other to create a state, then the problem appears to be solved.6 It is difficult to support the idea that the state, and thereby its commands and responding obligations, can be justified by the theory of a social contract. The theory of a social contract tries to justify political obligation as being based on an implicit promise, like the obligation to obey the rules of a voluntary association.7 If there were such a contract (based on the idea that the state is a voluntary organisation) the problem of individual obligation to the state would be solved. One could join (or leave) institutions of the state at will, and not be subject to state penalties. This is clearly not so. To clarify this further I can ask a different question: how much like a voluntary association is the state? The consensus among political philosophers is I think that the state is not a voluntary organisation. To be born is to be joined to it. As Raphael says the universality of the states jurisdiction makes its compulsory character more pervasive and more evident. 8 Individuals are inextricably linked to it in many ways, for example through the financial/legal institutions. Neither of these institutions are voluntary, they both carry obligations that are enforceable by law. For a comparison I will examine what I think a voluntary organisation is. The obligations I have to the UEA regarding my degree, I agreed to honour. They were stated, I accepted. This does not mean I think the UEA is perfect. Just because I am obligated, (I agreed to the UEA rules) does not mean I cannot criticise the parking problem. What is important is that I chose to join. My obligations to the UEA are voluntary, and I can withdraw from them voluntarily and leave the university should I choose. This is not possible in the case of the state. [I] am subject to the rules whether I like it or not.9 As a general philosophical attitude I am nervous or sceptical of organisations people are forced to join or have to remain joined to, this includes the idea of a state. This could be framed as, (if this sentence makes sense) I do not like the idea that there is a group I am unable not to join. These reasons might help to explain why I am generally sceptical of some of the motives of our own state. So where does this leave us? The above contentions highlight some of the problems of the social contract theory. The central objection to it is that the state is not voluntary therefore there can be no mutually agreed contract. Nor has there historically ever been one. As Wolff observes, if there ever was a social contract What is the evidence? Which museum is it in?10 The idea of a hypothetical contract is an attempt to solve this problem. It does not rely on any formal notion of actual consent, be it historical, express, or tacit.11 The hypothetical contract relies on hypothetical consent. If hypothetical consent were possible it would provide a moral reason for political obligation. That is the ingredient the question this essay is discussing implicitly implies is missing. The idea asks us to imagine a position from where we could successfully negotiate a social contract. Rawls idea is a very complex one that effects many issues. In his Theory of Justice, Rawls sets out primarily to establish what moral principles should govern the basic structure of a just society.12 Rawls Theory of Justice suggests a set of specific moral principles that he hopes will achieve this consensus view. It is these principles that critics of the theory in the main object to. What they are concerned with is the kind of society that would emerge from behind any veil of ignorance whatever its character. For the purpose of this essay the idea of a veil of ignorance which is subject to many conditions, is the device Rawls uses to argue for consent. If people can agree on what would be just, (which he argues is possible using the principles he suggests) from behind a veil of ignorance the consent reached would be a voluntary contract. Again the problem remains, what principles really constitute a just society are not clear. Objections to Rawls ideas include the libertarian critique. Kukathas and Pettit13 argue that for principled libertarians like Nozick the state that would emerge from Rawlss theory is bound to seem inherently evil.14 Nozicks objections are based on his libertarian view that Individuals have rights, and there are things no person or group may do to them (without violating their rights)15 To conclude is this essay is very difficult; the argument I have tried to demonstrate is that one cannot be under any obligation to obey the commands of the state using the social contract model. I have argued that the social contract fails because it is not consensual. I have also tried to show that the idea of hypothetical contract cannot work because the veil of ignorance still does not produce consent because people cannot agree on what the principles of a just state are. One can only be obligated to obey the commands of the state (I think) when its principles are consensual. Bibliography Chandran Kukathas and Philip Pettit, Rawls, A Theory of Justice and its Critics, (Polity Press 1990) Kymlicka, Will, Contemporary Political philosophy. Raphael, D D, Problems of Political Philosophy, (Macmillan press 1990) Wolff, Jonathan, An Introduction to Political Philosophy, (oxford University Press 1996) Colin Dunlop His II Political Philosophy Dr Kathleen Stock 04-04-03 Q1 If the state is not a voluntary organisation, how can one be under any obligation to obey its commands? 1 Raphael, D D, Problems of Political Philosophy, p175 2 Wolff, Jonathan, An Introduction to Political Philosophy, p38 3 Ibid.p38 4 See Kymlicka, Will, Contemporary Political philosophy, Ch5 (I think) his discussion multiculturalism and communitarianism. 5 Ibid.p38 6 Ibid.p43 7 Raphael, D D, Problems of Political Philosophy, p182 8 Ibid.p181 9 Ibid.p181 10 Wolff, Jonathan, An Introduction to Political Philosophy, p44 11 Ibid.p44 12 Chandran Kukathas and Philip Pettit, Rawls, A Theory of Justice and its Critics, p36 13 Ibid. See chapter 5 The Libertarian Critique 14 Ibid.p74 15 Robert Nozick quoted by Chandran Kukathas and Philip Pettit in, Rawls, A Theory of Justice and its Critics, p76

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Organizational Theory and The Heart of Change Essay Example for Free

Organizational Theory and The Heart of Change Essay The book The Heart of Change shows the practical side of the theories that are taught in the course textbook. It presents stories of successes and failures based in the application of concepts discussed in Organizational Behavior and Management and in class. Although we talked about several different concepts the ones that are evident in the examples in The Heart Of Change are the more progressive and individual centered approaches. The leadership characteristics that are important to successful change in an organization are those that are espoused in the transformational theory of management. It makes sense that ideals in line with the transformational management theory would be evident in a book about how to bring about positive change in an organization. Discussion A transformational leader essentially is about growth through change, about challenging the status quo, and staff to grow and perform it is about empowerment and all of those things are important in regards to the approach put forth in The Heart Of Change. A key theme in The Heart Of Change is that change is not brought about by statistical analysis or common sense, but it comes after changing the way that people feel about an issue. It is about connecting with the individual and bringing about an emotive response that motivates a change in behavior. And that is in line with one of the focal traits of a transformational leader. They are visionary leaders who focus who create the mission, focus and goals for the organization. Their approach to leadership is centered around the individual. This is important because for a leader to effectively implement change based The Heart Of Change they would have to be aware of they motivational factors of their employees so they know how do best address the intrinsic needs to change the attitudes of employees. The Heart Of Change shows that change does not happen simply by instituting different systems, but that people are the  force that ultimately determines how well an organization adapts change. That also relates to the leadership style of the transformational leader. They focus on the people as the key elements to bring change to an organization. Group Emotional Intelligence is a topic that we discussed in class that is essential to the type of change discussed in The Heart Of Change. The second stage of change is about putting together a team that is able drive the company towards its specific goal in regards to instituting change. There needs to be a strong force pushing the change and keeping the urgency up. It is understandably to much for on person to handle so there needs to be a team of interested, motivated people to act as that driving force. The three ideas of trust, sense of group identity, and group efficacy are essential to group effectiveness. The group that is at the forefront of the change action in an organization needs to exhibit a high EI. Not only because they need to be efficient, but because they are a model for the rest of the organization. This again relates to the character traits of the transformational leadership theory. Being a role model, showing others behaviors to emulate are what transformational leaders do, and this is what the change guiding group does as described in The Heart Of Change. Empowerment is an issue that is imperative to the change process. We touched on the idea of empowerment while exploring power, and politics in the workplace. Empowerment is important in regards to The Heart Of Change, because it is also about ownership. For change to be effective it takes an entire organization to believe in the change process. Through empowerment of the staff in the change process you are creating a sense of ownership for them in the process of change. Once they feel like they are an important part of the process it creates a sense of pride in their part of the process. In the workplace a sense of pride usually leads to a commitment to excellence in working towards the goals of the organization. Again this is a trait of transformational leadership. Transformational leaders encourage their teams and staff to be innovative, creative and encourage them to take risks. Empowerment is a tool, which is used to elicit the abovementioned traits in the staff, and drives the c hange. Organizational socialization is the way values; abilities, expected behaviors, and social knowledge of a organization are shared. It is based on creating an uniformity in mission, beliefs and actions. Socialization, in regards to the organizational change does not seem that it is an important issue in regards to affecting change in an organization. However, it is an integral part in sustaining any positive gains that have come from organizational change. After any sort of change occurs it must be accompanied with a change in the formal and informal socialization procedures to ensure they reflect the new organizational structure and culture. Effective socialization is imperative to ensure the change is long lasting. Updating Standard Operating Procedures for existing staff, as well as orientation procedures should reinforce the new changes for current staff, and introduce them to the new staff. Changing a system in simple. Sustaining a new culture and behavior in the workplace is difficult. People tend to revert to what is comfortable to them. In organizations that are in the process of implementing change is systems or culture, new people to the organization are the easiest to accept and adapt to the new changes. A new active socialization procedure needs to be adopted to address the veterans in the organization. They are the group that will be more apt to fall into old habits. Communication in the workplace is key to change, and is a theme that is throughout The Heart Of Change. Communication is important throughout several different stages of the change process as described in The Heart Of Change. There is a chapter in The Heart Of Change where they concentrate on communication of the vision and goals to the organization as a whole to motivate the members to buy into the vision. However, communication is very important during the first stage of change. In this stage the message communicated is the catalyst that will inspire the rest of organization to want to change. The communication should be tailored to evoke an emotional response, to motivate staff. The message can be we need to change, but the delivery of the message is has much to do its effectiveness. Also communication is important in the socialization aspect of sustaining  change. Within an organization communication comes in different forms. Procedures and rules are in the employee handbook, emails and memos. The culture of a workplace is transmitted through symbols and actions. The latter of the aforementioned communication is difficult and requires more effort to see that it is carried out in a manner that supports the organizational change. If there is a specific message, and vision that is to resonate with people and motivate them, all the actions of the leaders in the in the organization should reflect the message. Conclusion Change is a difficult process for an individual, but for an organization the difficulty grows exponentially. For an organization to change the actions and culture of everybody within the organization must change as well. There are the logistics involved in changing organizational structure. Then there is the task of changing the behavior of the employees as well. That is where the most obstacles will be found. The Heart Of Change offers a variety of experiences to highlight their theory in regards to the steps of successful change. Rooted in their theory are concepts that were discussed in class. Most of concepts that are evident in the change process theory are progressive and reflect ideas indicative of transformational leadership theory. The Heart Of Change has brought the individual concepts together and shown how they can work together to affect successful change in an organization. Reading The Heart Of Change shows how the powerful and effective the ideas that we learned about are, and how they can benefit us as we take leadership positions in our organizations.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effect of Resource Diversity on Joint Venture Performance

Effect of Resource Diversity on Joint Venture Performance A STUDY OF RESOURCE BASED VIEW: HOW DOES RESOURCE DIVERSITY AND RESOURCE SHARING AFFECT INTERNATIONAL JOINT VENTURE (IJV) PERFORMANCE? ABSTRACT The study of resource based view (RBV) has transcended the limited focus of a single firm by arguing that RBV can be applied to the area of strategic alliance. As the most instrumental alliance form, IJVs are susceptible to the resource characteristics of parent firms. Albeit RBV has been used to explain research topics from IJV formation to performance measurement, more in-depth study is needed for exploring the association between resource characteristics and IJV performance. By analyzing data from 82 IJVs in China, the present research proposes that resource sharing mediates the positive relationship between Resource diversity and IJV performance. And cooperation effectiveness moderates the relationship between resource diversity and resource sharing. INTRODUCTION Barney (1991) believes that the resource based view (RBV) theory can be used to explain the relationship between firm resources and sustained competitive advantage in that valuable, rare, inimitable and unsubstituted resources have the potential to bring sustained competitive advantage to a firm. Transcending the limitations of excessive focus on the study of a single firm, Das and Teng (2000) further contend that resource based view can be applied to explain the entire mechanism of strategic alliance on a continuum from alliance formation to performance measurement. Their research takes RBV study to the next level by introducing more perspectives in studying strategic alliance which has been admitted as a critical device loading corporate strategy (Wassmer, 2010). As the most instrumental alliance form, international joint ventures (IJVs) combine both tangible and intangible characteristics of parent firms that allow resource sharing (including knowledge sharing and tangible resourc e sharing) to happen within the partnership because employees from the parent firms literally work together in IJVs (Kogut, 1988). It is critical for researchers and practitioners to understand how the characteristics and dynamics of two parent firms resources affect IJV performance. Why do firms form IJVs? Resource sharing and inter-organizational learning are the key reasons (Lane, Salk Lyles, 2001). By bringing diversified valuable resources into the IJV, both parent firms strive for a balance between protecting their own valuable resources and absorbing the partners resources (Das Teng, 2000). Therefore, the cooperation effectiveness of IJVs would inevitably affect the way resources are synthesized and shared between partners. However, when an IJV is formed, how are the resources of partner firms synthesized? How do both parties share their resources to maximize the IJV performance? These questions remain underexplored. The present research focuses on studying the dynamism of resource diversity, resource sharing and IJV performance and the moderating role that cooperation plays. Normally, an IJV is formed by two parties: a local firm and a foreign firm. These two parent firms possess different types of resources which are complementary to each other, so they could combine their resources to exploit mutual goals (Ren, Gray Kim, 2009). To contribute to IJV outcome, the resource of parent firms have to be dissimilar and complementary, and the utilization and similarity of resources should be considered synchronously (Das Teng, 2000). Extending their argument, the level of similarity and complementarity can be reflected by resource diversity, and how well the resources are utilized can be reflected by resource sharing. Moreover, to consider resource diversity and resource sharing synchronously, cooperation effectiveness plays an important role (Ren et al., 2009). As shown in figure 1, I propose that in an IJV, the resource diversity is positively related to IJV performance, the more resource diversity the partners have, the better IJV performance they are able to achieve. And resource sharing will mediate the association between resource diversity and IJV performance. Since two partners work in concert in an IJV, cooperation effectiveness inevitably moderates the relationship between resource diversity and resource sharing. Therefore, I put forth following hypotheses: The contribution of the present research is twofold. First, this research expand the resource based view theory by theorizing the model that tap into the relationship between resource diversity and IJV performance by examining the moderating effect of cooperation and the mediating effect of resource sharing. Second, this research also has managerial implications, it helps researchers and practitioners better understand the mechanism of resource diversity and sharing in an IJV, thus they can better deploy different types of resources and facilitate resource sharing accordingly. METHOD Data and Sample IJVs have played a critical role in helping China becoming the best player in the world absorbing foreign direct investment (FDI) (Fang Zou, 2009; Yao, Yang, Fisher, Ma Fang, 2013). Therefore, I draw samples of 200 IJVs in Guangdong Province because it is known as the economic engine of China partly by virtue of its capacity in attracting foreign investment. In their prior studies, Fang and Zou (2009), has adopted IJV sampling in a similar region Jiangsu Province. As suggested by prior researches, considering the validity requirement, solely rely on secondary data is not acceptable, a method combining both survey and secondary data here would be more accurate (Das Teng, 2000). Therefore, I administer surveys and draw on archival data for this research. Data are collected from IJV managers representing both parent firms. I measure IJV performance (the dependent variable) by using archival data. I also measure resource diversity (the independent variable), cooperation effectiveness (the moderating variable) and resource sharing (the mediating variable) by using survey data of CEOs, board members and senior managers from both parent firms to eliminate bias. Measures Resource diversity (the independent variable).As suggested by Das and Teng (2009), I assess the resource diversity by administering survey on IJV senior managers representing different parent firms to gather the response on the degree to which each parent firm brings different types of resources such as: financial resources, physical resources, human resources, technological resources, reputation and organizational resources (Grant, 1991, p.6). Adapting the method that Yao et al. (2013) used to measure knowledge complementarity, a survey on resource diversity will be used in the present research to ask senior managers representing each parent firm in sample IJVs how diversified the resources characteristics are from the parent firms by using a seven-point semantic scale. Since the method of Yao et al. (2013) is also conducted in similar regions in China, the content validity is ensured. In the survey, I ask questions such as: How do you compare your partys industry design with your a lliance partner? (strongly overlapping to strongly complementary). Appendix A includes the form of the items for resource diversity. Cooperation effectiveness (the moderating variable).Following the multi-step process (Churchill Jr, 1979) measure developed by Yao et al. (2013) on knowledge absorption effectiveness, I assess cooperation effectiveness in a similar way by asking top managers representing each parent firm in sample IJVs how effective the partners cooperate in the IJVs using a five-item, seven-point Likert-type scale. I ask questions such as: How do you rate the cooperation effectiveness between partners in your IJV: Our joint venture has been very effective in transferring resources among different partners? (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Appendix B includes the form of the items for cooperation effectiveness. Resource sharing (the mediating variable).Adopting the same rationale of measuring cooperation effectiveness, I develop my own items andassess resource sharing in a similar way by asking top managers to rate the level that the partners share the resources in the IJVs using a four-item, seven-point Likert-type scale. I ask questions such as: How do you rate the resource sharing level between partners in your IJV: IJV partners can easily acquire tangible resources occupied by each other for manufacturing activities? (strongly agree to strongly disagree). Appendix C includes the form of the items for resource sharing. IJV performance (the dependent variable).I will use secondary data to assess IJV performance by two constructs: its financial performance (Return on Investment), and also its longevity (Ren et al., 2009). Control variables.Following the study of Yao et al. (2013). I treat IJV size as control variable measuring by the IJV employee number. Since the market dynamism may be another confounding factor, I also control for market dynamism by using Miller (1987) five items. My data collection procedure is: gather the contact information of sample IJVs through the administrative offices of local development zones that are normally the administrative agencies and service providers of IJVs. Then phone calls and emails will be used to reach out to these IJV CEOs and other senior managers to explain the purpose of the present research and solicit participation in the survey. The ideal target response size of IJV is 82 according to GPower 3.1 test (Effect size = .30, ÃŽÂ ± = .05, Power = .80). Im expecting a 40% response rate which is at the high range of typical response rate (15-40%) since I administer the survey through officials of local development zones who are familiar with the IJV leaders. The questionnaires are distributed to participants in 200 IJVs through email, for non-respondents, the first round of following up phone calls or emails will be carried out two weeks after the distribution of the questionnaires, the second round will be carried o ut four weeks after the distribution of the questionnaires. Following the general method adopted by extant researches, I evaluate responses from the respondents and decide which responses to discard depending on the validity. Given the multinational background of respondents, my original questionnaires are designed in English, they are translated into Chinese when assigning to Chinese respondents, then the responses will be back-translated into English. Statistical description of means and standard deviations is provided. Analysis To test hypothesis 1, resource sharing and IJV performance are separately treated as dependent variables in regression analysis. To test hypothesis 2, I measure the moderating effects of cooperation effectiveness by using moderated regression analysis. To avoid potential multi-collinearity, I take both mean-centered independent and moderating variables into the regression (Aiken, West Reno, 1991). DISCUSSION Prior studies has proved that resource based view can be applied to the study in the area of strategic alliance for about two decades (Das Teng, 2000), yet little has been disclosed about the dynamic relationship between resource diversity, resource sharing and alliance performance. In this research, after examining 82 IJVs in China, the results support my hypotheses that cooperation effectiveness will moderate the positive relationship between resource diversity and IJV performance mediated by resource sharing. Theoretical and Managerial Implications The present research focuses on discovering the relationship between resource diversity, resource sharing and IJV performance, and the moderating role that cooperation effectiveness plays. The influence of resource sharing on IJV performance is examined subsequently. Resource based view has been proved a strong tool used to disclose the relationship between firm resources and sustained competitiveness. This research extended the study of resource based view to a more intricate and in-depth level: IJVs, in that compare with average firms, IJVs are formed by parent firms to utilize and share their resources thus achieve the goal of mutual benefits. Therefore, the research brings new insights about how firm resources are constituted and shared and thus affect firm performance in an ever-changing global context. Prior researches has shown that knowledge complementarity has positive effects on new product performance in IJVs (Yao et al., 2013). This research extends the study to a higher level regarding resources occupied by parent firms and bring more generalizability to researchers. It also helps top managers engaging in alliances better utilize their resources. LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH As other researches, this research has its limitations. First, as pointed out by other scholars, the sample source is somewhat monotonous because it only reflects the IJVs in a certain region in China, and the resource diversity might be pre-established since the IJVs in my sample are all formed by a Chinese firm and a foreign firm, this fact shows a certain pattern of partnership that the Chinese firms offer resources to reach local market while the foreign firms offers technological and financial resources (Yao et al., 2013). Future research may extend the study of resource diversity patterns by examining how different resource diversity relationships effect research sharing and IJV performance. Second, I only discussed the model regarding IJVs, however, there are other equity and non-equity inter-organizational collaborations such as technical exchange and consortia (Majchrzak, Jarvenpaa Bagherzadeh, 2014). The effect in the other types of collaborations may vary a lot from the model I examine in IJVs. However, the limitation here also leads to fruitful future research. Study of the resource dynamism and alignment can be delivered on different forms of strategic alliance. APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C REFERENCES      Ã‚   Aiken, L. S., West, S. G., Reno, R. R. 1991. Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions: Sage. Barney, J. 1991. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1): 99-120. Churchill Jr, G. A. 1979. A paradigm for developing better measures of marketing constructs. Journal of marketing research: 64-73. Das, T. K., Teng, B.-S. 2000. A resource-based theory of strategic alliances. Journal of Management, 26(1): 31-61. Fang, E. E., Zou, S. 2009. Antecedents and consequences of marketing dynamic capabilities in international joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 40(5): 742-761. Grant, R. M. 1991. The resource-based theory of competitive advantage: implications for strategy formulation. California management review, 33(3): 114-135. Kogut, B. 1988. Joint ventures: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Strategic Management Journal, 9(4): 319-332. Lane, P. J., Salk, J. E., Lyles, M. A. 2001. Absorptive capacity, learning, and performance in international joint ventures. Strategic Management Journal, 22(12): 1139-1161. Majchrzak, A., Jarvenpaa, S. L., Bagherzadeh, M. 2014. A review of interorganizational collaboration dynamics. Journal of Management: 0149206314563399. Miller, D. 1987. The structural and environmental correlates of business strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 8(1): 55-76. Ren, H., Gray, B., Kim, K. 2009. Performance of International Joint Ventures: What Factors Really Make a Difference and How? Journal of Management, 35(3): 805-832. Wassmer, U. 2010. Alliance portfolios: A review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 36(1): 141-171. Yao, Z., Yang, Z., Fisher, G. J., Ma, C., Fang, E. E. 2013. Knowledge complementarity, knowledge absorption effectiveness, and new product performance: The exploration of international joint ventures in China. International Business Review, 22(1): 216-227. Figure 1 Conceptual model of the current research

Monday, August 19, 2019

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Essay -- Poet Persuasive Argumentative Poet

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow A Fellow’s Long Worth How does one describe a poet when he has already described himself with his own words? Although Henry Wadsworth Longfellow isn’t popular, he is such a poet. As described by Arnold Bennett, Longfellow is "the chief minor poet of the English language." Among a harsh lineup of critics, however, they claimed he fell short of literary. This is quite the contrary. Longfellow attended Bowdoin college, near Portland, Maine where he was born and raised. The college offered him the newly formed position as chair of modern languages. "Two things are striking about this event: the informality of the academic approach to language studies and the obvious natural gift that Longfellow possessed" (Fuller 3). Traveling throughout Europe before settling into his new job (as well as during numerous trips after), Longfellow practically learned the languages by osmosis. He could speak splendid amounts of French, Spanish, Italian, German and some Scandinavian. After leaving Bowdoin, he later taught at Harvard University. At this time, his pen began to constantly scratch prose and poetry. After almost twenty years as a professor, Longfellow retired and devoted himself to his craft of poetry. After tasting random stanzas and meters of Longfellow’s work, it is easy to identify his tone: uplifting, positive and somewhat glowing. Along with his shorter pieces that evoke positive feelings, Longfellow also tells stories with his longer poetry. He used lyrical verses to describe, weave and introduce new characters or feelings. From the poem "The Skeleton in Armor" to "Paul Revere’s Ride," Longfellow opened up worlds with his words, whether as real as the Revolutionary War, or as mystic as Nordic my... ...t, overall, passion was underneath his skin. As he wrote in "Michael Angelo: A Fragment," "The fever to accomplish some great work that will not let us sleep. I must go on until I die." It is unfair that Longfellow isn’t praised more as an American poet, especially with a backpack heavy with accomplishments. His hike through the literary world was rugged, but his perseverance left readers with kind, unassuming meter and lyric. Works Cited Fuller, Edmund. Introduction. Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1967. 1-13. Untermeyer, Louis. Introduction. The American Poets: Longfellow. By Henry Wadwsworth Longfellow. New York: The Heritage Press, 1943. ix-xv. Wagenknecht, Edward. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: His Poetry and Prose. New York: The Ungar Publishing Company, 1986.

Navigational Tools :: Websites Internet Technology Computers Essays

Navigational Tools When designing a website, a web designer must develop and create an effective way of navigating his or her website. When doing this job, the web designer must keep the principle of compensation in mind. According to authors Killingsworth and Gilbertson â€Å"in every revision of a text, something is lost and something is gained† (45). Using this principle of compensation, a web designer must realize the consequences for choosing a picture, icon, or text to represent links on his or her web page. For each one there are advantages and drawbacks, which if weighed or balanced properly can enhance that web designer’s page. Human beings by nature are visually oriented; therefore, the web designer should find a satisfactory medium between the use and placement of either text or graphics. According to Brad Bachetti in his response â€Å"Creating a Roadmap†, â€Å" If both text and graphics are used to represent the button, it is visually appealing to keep the text and g raphics of equal width. This is exemplified on the main page of the WebCT course page† (Bachetti). If we take a look at the WebCT course page, we will find this to be true. The WebCT course page also exemplifies the principle of compensation. The pictures that accompany the text not only compliment each other in width and size, but also enhance each other. Together the pictures and text convey better meaning then they would if they stood alone, thus allowing for easy navigation on the course page. Sometimes though a web designer may only want to use a picture, icon, or text to represent a link or navigational tool on a website. According to Principles of Web Design, by David and Jean Farkas, â€Å"Links must make clear their destinations the page that the link will display† (209). Using this simple principle put forth by the authors, a web designer may encounter problems when dealing with pictures and icons to represent links or navigational tools. According to Farkas, â€Å"to design links that will communicate their destination clearly, you need to think about your audience and their information needs† (Farkas 209). A picture and icon may have different connative or denotative meanings for people of a different age, gender, race, or nationality. That being stated icons and pictures have some significant advantages over text links. For example, a familiar one is processed faster, icons communicate across languages and cultures, they are visually interesting, and they often save space (Farkas 211).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sexual Harassment Essay -- Social Issues Violence Crime Essays

Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men. The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault? Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what sexual harassment is. What is sexual harassment? –Unwelcome sexual behavior, but another may not unwelcome what is unwelcome by one. People have been arguing on what should be considered sexual harassment and finely came up with a definition for it. Its requests for sexual favors, suggestive looks, and sexual remarks, deliberate touching, pressure for dates, letters and calls, actual or attempted rape (Verbal and physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment). A lot of people feel that categorizing everything from rape to â€Å"looks† as unwelcome sexual behavior makes all of as victims. Should it always be considered an illegal harassment, when a man makes an obscene comment to a woman on the street, when behavior which one woman takes as harassment, could be seen by another as a non-threatening joke. Many believe that legal definition of sexual harassment threatens the freedom of speech; one man’s vulgarity is another mans lyric, and many of the cases are simp... ... to believe it is acceptable to abuse and harass female. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majority are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. Now days law covers any remark or behavior that a â€Å" reasonable women† would find to be threatening. Is that enough? Does it really protect women? Some say yes, and some say no, but as sexual harassment continuous to happened in our society something has to be done. Bibliography. Violent relationships. Texas: Information plus, 1999. Wekeseer c. and Swisher K. Sexual harassment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Black, Beryl. Coping with sexual harassment. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INK. , 1996. Sexual Harassment Essay -- Social Issues Violence Crime Essays Sexual Harassment Unwelcome sexual behavior has been a serious problem in our society for many years. We need to focus more on this problem, because a lot of men still don’t take it seriously, it happens, because they don’t know the real definition of sexual harassment. Men and women explain in differently. When 1200 men and women were asked if they would consider sexual proposition flattering 68% of men said they would, and only 17% of the women agreed. At the same time 63% of women would be insulted by it and only 15% of men. The major question today is: What should be considered sexual assault? Many people believe that the seriousness of it is evident, however there are some that disagree, they disagree of what sexual harassment is. What is sexual harassment? –Unwelcome sexual behavior, but another may not unwelcome what is unwelcome by one. People have been arguing on what should be considered sexual harassment and finely came up with a definition for it. Its requests for sexual favors, suggestive looks, and sexual remarks, deliberate touching, pressure for dates, letters and calls, actual or attempted rape (Verbal and physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment). A lot of people feel that categorizing everything from rape to â€Å"looks† as unwelcome sexual behavior makes all of as victims. Should it always be considered an illegal harassment, when a man makes an obscene comment to a woman on the street, when behavior which one woman takes as harassment, could be seen by another as a non-threatening joke. Many believe that legal definition of sexual harassment threatens the freedom of speech; one man’s vulgarity is another mans lyric, and many of the cases are simp... ... to believe it is acceptable to abuse and harass female. To reduce unwelcome sexual behavior men must reexamine their attitudes towards it. We have to establish strong, clear sexual harassment policies in the work places where the majority are men. Women must report all incidents out of fear that their lives and careers would be harmed. Now days law covers any remark or behavior that a â€Å" reasonable women† would find to be threatening. Is that enough? Does it really protect women? Some say yes, and some say no, but as sexual harassment continuous to happened in our society something has to be done. Bibliography. Violent relationships. Texas: Information plus, 1999. Wekeseer c. and Swisher K. Sexual harassment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1992. Black, Beryl. Coping with sexual harassment. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, INK. , 1996.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Modelling Leadership Essay

Many people have potentials of becoming leaders by virtue of their births, for instance, into royal families. Some others cashed in on the naivety and innocence of the people around and, before long, became leaders; not necessarily by achievements but because they are opportunist. I see real leadership emerging when a individual can successfully impact the life of others which in turn makes them willing followers. This is the category my headmaster falls into. My relationship with this man started a couple of years ago. As a teacher and mentor, he sees every opportunity for success in every child. He is by no means a disciplined man, yet he is patient enough for any student. He is the headmaster, coordinating the teachers; yet he is the teacher himself. He takes it as a responsibility to have a one-on-one contact with every students in the school and he has been successful at it in spite of all other official assignment competing for attention. Every student, to him, needs to discover himself – his strengths and weaknesses. With my headmaster, the hardworking students still has rooms to do better if only he could discover how and the lazy students needs only to discover his areas of interests and concentrate on it for his success. This is what he seeks to do for each students by spending time with them. An of course, he encourages the teachers to do likewise. In his words ’these little minds are going to become our leaders tomorrow and it is how well we impact them that determines what they do when they become our leaders -whether they lead us well or not. ’ His style has produced great changes in the life of students. Even other teachers are borrowing successfully from his style and they in turn are achieving great results with their students. I hope one of his products eventually rises to become the president of our great nation – this will be a rewarding feather added to his cap.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hypothesis Testing Essay

The intent of hypothesis testing is to let an person to take between two different hypotheses refering to the value of a population parametric quantity. Learning squad C has conducted a hypothesis trial environing the sum of clip spent on prep by males and females. and will turn to if there is a correlativity between the variables. Additionally. larning squad C will find if there is a positive or negative correlativity. and how strong that correlativity is between both variables. Overall. statistics can be really ambitious and we will portion some of the most enigmatic constructs experienced in Quantitative Analysis for Business therefore far. When carry oning a hypothesis trial. it is imperative that a void hypothesis is identified. The void hypothesis is the hypothesis that is assumed to be true unless there is sufficient plenty grounds to turn out that it is false ( McClave. 2011 ) . The void hypothesis for this experiment: Is the average sum of clip spent on prep by females equal to the sum of clip spent on prep by males? The ascertained significance degree is. 05. which means that there is a five per centum opportunity that we will reject the void hypothesis. even when it is true. The activity informations set provided were eight informations points for adult females and six informations points for work forces. Because of the little sample size. we have conducted a t-test for this experiment. The grades of freedom equal 12. which we assign a critical value of 2. 179 from a t-table. If the trial statistic ( t-statistic ) is less than -2. 179. or greater than 2. 179 we will reject the void hypothesis in favour of the option. The t-statistic for the clip spent on prep by work forces and adult females is – . 4899. This figure does non fall into the rejection part. so we fail to reject the void hypothesis. In other words. the average sum of clip spent on prep by work forces and adult females are equal with a 95 per centum assurance degree. We have besides determined the correlativity coefficient. The correlativity coefficient ( denoted by the missive R ) is the step of the grade of additive relationship between two variables ( Webster. edu. n. d. ) . The correlativity coefficient can be any value between negative one and one. If the correlativity coefficient mark is negative. it means tha t as one variable decreases the other variable additions. The opposite is true for a positive correlativity coefficient. if the value of one variable increases the other variable lessenings. It is of import to observe that correlativity does non needfully intend causing ; we can non presume a right decision based on correlativity entirely. For this experiment. the correlativity between work forces and adult females was 0. 346102651. When informations with values of R are close to zero. they show small to no straight-line relationship ( Taylor. 2015 ) . Even though the correlativity for this experiment was positive. it is non a strong correlativity. The closer the value of R to zero agencies that there is a greater fluctuation around the line of best tantrum ( Laerd Statistics. 2015 ) . Statisticss can be a really dashing topic. and there have been some constructs that have proven to be hard for each member of larning squad C. Many squad members struggle with the proper choice of expressions in Microsoft Excel. while others struggle to replace values into the many equations involved in statistics. There are besides legion symbols to retrieve. and decently place when calculating an equation. From a conceptual point of view. chance is tough subject to hold on. The construct itself seems unintuitive. and is hard to understand an intangible construct that is based on guesswork and the best opportunity that an person has to see one event or another is random ( chance ) . When you take that construct and seek to do it touchable by seting it into an equation. things get rather confounding. Hypothesis proving can be good when an person is seeking make up one's mind on what hypothesis to take refering to the value of a population parametric quantity. When make up one's minding to carry on hypothesis proving it is of import to travel through the five stairss of the hypothesis proving process that include: making premises. saying the nothing and alternate hypothesis. finding the right trial statistic and trying distribution. calculating the trial consequences. and construing the determination ( Boston University. n. d. ) . Interpreting the determination can include comparing the agencies for each of the groups can give a better apprehension of where each group falls as an norm. Interpreting the determination besides includes finding whether there is a correlativity between the two variables and finding whether the correlativity is positive or negative. For this experiment. the end was to find if there was a important difference for clip spent making prep by males and females. Hypothesis testing is used to find if there is adequate statistical grounds to back up a certain belief about a parametric quantity. MentionsBoston University. ( n. d. ) . The 5 stairss in hypothesis testing. Retrieved from Boston University. web site. Laerd Statistics. ( 2015 ) . Pearson-product minute correlativity. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //statistics. laerd. com/statistical-guides/pearson-correlation-coefficient-statistical-guide. php McClave. J. T. ( 2011 ) . Statistics for concern and economic sciences ( 11th ed. ) . Boston. MA: Pearson Education. Taylor. C. ( 2015 ) . How to cipher the correlativity coefficient. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //statistics. about. com/od/Descriptive-Statistics/a/How-To-Calculate-The-Correlation-Coefficient. htm Webster. edu. ( n. d. ) . Correlation. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www2. Webster. edu/~woolflm/correlation/correlation. hypertext markup language

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cis 101 Quiz

Exam Name_ ______ Chapter 6 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) The main advantages of a notebook computer are all of the following EXCEPT: 1) __D____A) Wireless Internet access is easy to install.B) They take up little space.C) They are portable.D) You get more speed for a lower price.2) The main disadvantages of a desktop computer as compared to notebooks are the following EXCEPT: 2) __D____A) A desktop computer is harder to move around.B) A desktop computer requires more space.C) A desktop computer is difficult to transport for repair.D) A desktop computer is more expensive.3) CPU speed is measured in: 3) __D____A) nanoseconds.B) megabytes.C) bits per second (bps).D) Hertz.4) The amount of RAM recommended for most systems today is measured in: 4) __D____A) Megahertz.B) Gigahertz.C) KB.D) GB.5) ________ are fast becoming the most preferred means of portable storage. 5) __D____A) DVDsB) CDsC) Floppy disksD) Flash drivesRead also Quiz Week 46) All of the following can be connected to your computer through a port EXCEPT: 6) ___C___A) scanner.B) an external hard drive.C) RAM.D) a printer.7) Each of the following is a type of port EXCEPT: 7) ___C___A) FireWire.B) Ethernet.C) FSB.D) USB.8) An expansion card that translates binary data into images is a(n): 8) ___D___A) game card.B) sound card.C) audio card.D) video card.9) A MIDI port allows you to connect: 9) ___C___A) scanners.B) notebooks.C) electronic musical instruments.D) digital cameras.10) The technology that transmits data between two devices using infrared light waves is called: 10) _B____A) Wi-Fi.B) IrDA.C)FireWire.D) Bluetooth.TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T' if the statement is true and ‘F' if the statement is false.11) The CPU is located on the motherboard. 11) __T___12) The CPU is the temporary storage location for all the data and instructions the computer needs when it is running. 12) __F___13) Accessing data from the hard drive to send to the CPU is faster than accessing data from RAM. 13) __F___14) Hard drives have the largest storage capacity of any stora ge device. 14) __T___15) The main distinction between a desktop and a notebook is Internet connectivity. 15) __T___16) CPU stands for computer processing unit. 16) __F___17) When there is not enough RAM installed in your system, the system becomes memory bound. 17) __T___18) A sound card is attached to the inside of your computer's speaker. 18) __F___19) RAM is your computer's permanent storage space for data that is entered from the keyboard. 19) __F___20) The amount of memory your video card needs depends on what you want to display on your monitor. 20) __T___SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.21) The time it takes a storage device to locate stored data and make it available for processing is called ________ time. 21) _Access Time__22) RAM is an example of ________ storage because when the power is off, RAM is cleared out. 22) _Temporary___23) The technology that uses radio waves to send data wirelessly over short dist ances is ________. 23) __Bluetooth Technology__24) USB stands for ________. 24) _Universal Serial Bus_25) The primary circuit board of the computer system is the ________. 25) _Motherboard_

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

5 Page Othello Research Paper

A couple of months ago my parents hired a magician for my little brother’s birthday party. Ivan the Incredible specialized in optical illusions with cards and coin tricks, which was a little hard for the group of eight year olds to grasp but most entertaining for myself and several adults. When I began reading Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago’s antics reminded me of Ivan the Incredible and how someone can trick you to believe something is true when it really isn’t.Appearance versus reality plays a huge role in Othello, and constantly surfaces as a main theme in Iago’s magnificent ability and experience in deceiving fellow characters causing an extra twist to the plot. Iago is the main manipulator of reality to change the appearance of a situation into something that benefits him. This is seen when Iago tricks Othello into believing Cassio and Othello’s wife, Desdemona are having an affair. Iago tricks Roderigo into killing Casio through his manipu lation of reality.Also, Iago thickens the lie by planting a gift from Othello to Desdemona in Cassio’s house and also pretends to have a conversation about Desdemona with Cassio while Othello look on but cannot hear. Which of course, are all actions needed to be taken for his master plan to work out correctly. Shakespeare’s play, Othello tells the audience the story of a very successful General of Venice, Othello and how has was deceived by someone he believe to be an honest man, Iago, his ensign. The plot speeds up quickly Othello promotes Cassio instead of Iago.Iago vows revenge and slowly convinces Othello of Desdemona’s infidelity with Cassio, the lieutenant to whom Othello had given the position Iago had sought. Iago also gets Roderigo to help him in his evil plan by telling him that he can have Desdemona if he helps get rid of Cassio. Oblivious to Iago’s master plan Othello is ultimately a victim of his own naivete. It all starts when Iago plants a little seed of suspicion into Othello’s mind about Desdemona. Iago states, I speak not yet of proof.Look to your wife; observe her well with Cassio; Wear your eye thus, not jealous nor secure: I would not have your free and noble nature, out of self-bounty, be abused; look to't: I know our country disposition well; In Venice they do let heaven see the pranks they dare not show their husbands; their best conscience is not to leave't undone, but keep't unknown. (III. iii. 196-204) For the rest of the play all of Othello’s suspicions about innocent Desdemona are built upon this bug Iago has planted in Othello’s ear.Eventually, Othello confronted Desdemona and Emilia (Desdemona’s companion) about the situation Iago informed him of but it was already too late because his mind was already made up. However, he genuinely believe his ensign would never do such a thing, as he stated, â€Å"I think thou dost; and, for I know thou'rt full of love and honesty† (III. iii. 117-118). Instead of Iago just coming to Othello and saying, â€Å"Cassio is sleeping with Desdemona, † he made it more believable by pretending he really didn’t want to tell Othello of his suspicions and acted as if he was trying to protect Othello from jealousy.Of course, Iago’s actions only increased Othello’s desire to know what Iago thought which worked perfectly for Iago’s plan. Iago knows very well that trust and deceit go together in order for him to complete his master plan. So the whole time he plans Othello’s downfall he is continually trying to get his undoubting trust. Slowly but surely he poisons people’s thoughts, creating ideas in their heads without implicating himself. Iago even says himself that the advice he gives is free and honest which makes people believe him even more! Another one of the main people Iago deceives is Roderigo.Throughout the play, Iago tells him that he hates Othello and that Roderigo should make some money so he could give gifts to Desdemona, who Roderigo admires from afar. Without even a second thought, Roderigo sells his land and uses all his savings to buy gifts for Desdemona. However, Iago is actually keeping the gifts that Roderigo plans to give Desdemona for himself. Eventually, Roderigo begins to catch on to the act and confronts Iago, but he falls right into Iago’s trap again when he tells him that killing Cassio will help him win over Desdemona because Desdemona is falling more in love with Cassio.Roderigo is then led to his death by the hands of â€Å"Honest Iago† when he draws his sword hoping to kill Roderigo while Roderigo is fighting Cassio. The next incident which furthers Iago’s plan is when Othello sees Cassio walking away very quickly after conversing with Desdemona. To make sure Othello does not get suspicious, Iago whispers, â€Å"†¦I cannot think it, that he would steal away so guilty like. † (lll,iii,42) Ot hello then replies, â€Å"†¦I do believe ‘twas he. † (lll,iii,44) Othello believes what he sees to be the truth even though he didn’t hear what was said.This instance is only the beginning of the lies that he sees from afar. However, Iago does not stop there because he cannot predict every time the two will meet. Therefore, he decides to manipulate Othello’s feelings for Desdemona again. There are a few people who know of the handkerchief Othello gave to Desdemona when they began courting. In fact, Cassio was there when she received it and Desdemona promised to never leave it out of her sight. But, that all changed when Othello yelled at her the first time and she dropped it.Emilia, (her companion and Iago’s wife) picked it up and brought it to her husband which only furthered Iago’s horrible scheme and little does she know, â€Å"Emilia is just another pawn in his game† (Polymath). â€Å"Iago’s deception depends on the im age of the handkerchief in Cassio’s hand, and he achieves this image not only through description, but by directing the actions of Cassio and Bianca by showing that the handkerchief is no longer in Desdemona’s possession† (Smith 33). Once Iago had the handkerchief in his possession he planted it in Cassio’s home hoping Othello would find it or Cassio would use it in front of Othello.Iago tells Othello he will start a conversation with Cassio about Desdemona and all the proof he will need shall be there. Iago places Othello where he can see but cannot hear. Iago then starts a conversation with Cassio about Bianca. However, it appears to Othello that Cassio is talking in a sexual way about Desdemona. In reality, Iago places Cassio in a position to talk about how he really feels about Bianca. Othello sees this from afar and says in shock, â€Å"Crying, ‘O dear Cassio,’ as it were, his gesture imports it. (lll,i,155) Othello believes the appearan ce of the conversation, which for him is all the evidence he needs. Now, since Othello trusts Iago, he believes everything Iago says to him and trusts his opinions, even though they are in reality, lies.Iago supports everything he has led Othello to believe and never wavers from his thoughts or offers the benefit of the doubt because he doesn’t want to make Othello doubt him especially after he gained his trust. â€Å"Because he wants material proof, he equates love with a handkerchief which in its very aterial certainty is most subject to chance. Thus the plot ironically emphasizes that his desire for certainty renders him most subject to chance, operating on the most trivial levels, as well as to Iago's malevolent manipulation of it† (Stockholder 256). In the end, Othello kills Desdemona because he couldn’t take the thought of her being with another man and lying to him when she was really truthful. Then Emilia tells Othello the truth behind the handkerchief a nd how her husband, Iago is evil before she is killed by Iago.Roderigo also dies from his wounds inflicted while fighting Cassio and unknowingly fighting Iago. Othello then kills himself when the realities of all those appearances are brought to the light. Appearance versus reality is a recurring theme throughout the play. By jumping to conclusions and not getting both sides of the story Othello and Roderigo fall to their own demise. If they would have for one second thought, â€Å"Honest Iago† to not be entirely honest the events of the play surely would have been different.